f The Bugbytes: Blog Birthday!! Giveaway

Welcome - Copyright & Disclaimer

Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

September 25, 2010

Blog Birthday!! Giveaway

Wow! Today is exactly one year since the day I opened up this blog.  Just a week or so give or take after the Gypsy was released. Look how far we have come. Now we can go through the same growing pains with Imagine and also Imagine with Gypsy!!
This calls for a giveaway doesn't it?
Of course!! it does
So yes - my favorite giveaway is of course the cartridge. And so it shall be
Joys of the season

Be a follower!! Of course and post by this Sunday night ie September 26th (you will not get disqualified even if you comment after that until Monday morning if you can wing it in before I pick you. My time is CST and I wake at 5:50 A.M ;) )
So make just one comment please and be a follower and one person will be randomly picked - Yes truly randomly picked!! No favorites - just the random generators favorite pick ;)

BTW the comments are moderated so it will take sometime for your comments to show through. It has to wait till I or sassy are in the computer and approve. So do not be perturbed!! If you have commented - wait for 5 -6 hours . If you accidentally  post more than one comment I will understand..


Connie said...

I've been following you for some time now. I know I can always get info from your blog. Thanks for all the help and inspriation!

Ashleigh said...

YEA! Congrats on 1 year. Thats awesome. Thank you for the chance to win. Good luck all

aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I have been looking for that cart!!! ha ha, love all the Christmas carts.

Tanya said...

This cart is on my wish list! Your blog looks great, as always!

Jamie said...

I already have this cart so I don't need it but Congrats on one year!!!!

Linda said...

I've been following you for some time now. Thanks for all the inspriation



Jean said...

I am already a followerer. Congrats on 1 year. Love the blog.

TR said...

I'm a follower, reader and not so much but a commenter.

:) You have a great blog and I was surprised that it has
been a year! And YES! I wanna win this Cartridge!

:) TR

LadybugCarrie said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I would love to win - thank you for the chance! :-)

Celeste B. said...

YEAH!!! Congrats on the one year mark!!! So much fun, thanks for sharing so much info!!! :)

shari said...

Congratulations on your 1yr. anniversary. I'd love to be included in your awesome giveaway. I'm already a follower. Shari (cricutrookie)

Em'smom said...

Well i must tell you that without your helpful videos keepiing me up on how to use the Gypsy i dont think i would love it as much as i do. Thanks for all your help

Dakota Bear said...

Congrats on your one year anny! I have been following you for sometime.

Marty said...

Congrats on 1 year! I've been following since I purchased my G last October and there are times I don't know how I'd managed without your videos. thanks so much for all the info and inspiration.

Tanya said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Lots of followers!! I have had mine for a couple years now and don't even have 50, so Super Congrats to you :)keep up the great blog!

Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous cart!

The Bug said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Your blog is such an inspiration and I LOVE all the great tips! On to the Imagine Saga....

Renee said...

Thank you Pam for the chance to win, and congratulations on one year. You are an amazing creator and I do follow you. Thanks again

ratherberidinacwby @ yahoo . com

flowerdisco said...

I have Jots and it was my first choice for the series but not everyone had it.
Do not count me in since I just wanted to stop and say Happy Birthday to your blog :)

I will have to check when I started mine, Ooops!

Josie0602 said...

I have been your follower for a while. Love going to my blogger reader and catching up on my blogs! This is one cartridge I dont have and think I need to get...thanks for doing the giveaway!


Scrappymama Elaine said...

Hi! I'm a farily new blogger and came accross your blog thru my searches on other blogs. Congrats on your year! Thanks for all the help! I'd love to have this cartridge. Good luck to all!

Penny said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the opportunity to win the cartridge.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday I will turn 65 on sunday how is that for a birthday!!
i am fairly new to scrapbooking and to cricut expression adn gypsy but once I retire, i will be an addict.

best wishes on your next 65 years

Carrie's Corner said...

I think I have been following you nearly this whole past year. Love you site and helpful gypsy information! Thank you!
cau0617 at yahoo dot com

Barb said...

happy anniversary! Just found you and bcame a follower. thanks for the giveaway!

sucor said...

Congratulations! Happy first anniversary! I've been following you for quite awhile. Thank you for all the information and tips you've shared! Thanks also for the chance to win your generous giveaway.

Michele said...

Happy Birthday to your blog!!! :D

SherriC. said...

Happy 1 year Blogging!!!!! thanks you for all your videos...they have helped soooo many people, thanks for the chance to win
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

Kimbuckjr said...

HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!!! I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect. My GFC ID: kimbuckjr

Carol said...

Pam ... I totally love your Blog (I've been both a follower and subscriber since I first found it), it's one of the very best resources for Gypsy related information on the Internet ... not to mention the source of some beautiful creativity as well!

Thanx so much for sharing it with all of us ... and a great big ... CONGRATULATIONS ... on your one year Anniversary! Here's looking forward to many more! :)


Melissa said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! What a sweet giveaway!


Stacey Brucale said...

I woould love to add this cart to my collection. Thanks so much for the chance! And congrats on one year!


littlen said...

congrats on your 1 year anny. i've been a follower for some time now and check daily to see what you've posted.

catherine said...

not only did Pam respond very very quickly but I watched another episode and learned much more....about flipping the image and her idea to put a diffrent color and pattern paper where cinderella's dress is
now I feel I can get more use and more flexibility out of the cricut
thank you from the big apple

4kids4 said...

I've been following you for a while...LOTS of good info here...thank you! And thanks for the chance to win JOTS...I'd love to win this...I don't have any Christmas cartridges!

RAP said...

Happy blog Birthday. Thanks for sharing with us.

The Cropping Canuck said...

Congrats! You've done great work!

GiGi said...

I've been a follower for some time now and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your site. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
booger1 at tds.net

pcrusberg said...

Happy Anniversary! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway.

Orlie said...

I really enjoy coming to your site for more Ideas. Love your work. Thanks for the give away.

Linda said...

Congratulations! Thanks for all of your help.

Barb Craft said...

Congratulations to you and your fabulous blog!! I love visiting so I can get advice on the latest gypsy updates!!
Barb :)

Marilyn said...

Congratulations on one year Pam. Your site is so helpful. I have learned so many things from your tutorials.
Thank you!

Sherri said...

I just want to say thank you for your great videos and helping me to better understand my Gypsy. I've recently found your blog and I'm going through all your videos trying to figure out my G!! Congrats on your first year!

VeronicaA said...

Happy anniversary to you and your blog. You have a great site with fabulous projects and wonderful tips, videos, and ideas. Thanks for all that you do.

MizMaryAnn said...

I've been a follower for almost the whole year and really have learned a lot from you. I don't have a blog yet, but will have one soon. I've wanted that cart since it came out, so sure do hope I get picked.
Mary Ann

Moira said...

Happy Blogiversary!


Wende said...

Thanks for the giveaway Pam. Blog looks fab as usual and thanks for all your gypsy help and tutorials. They have been great.

Deb with Dogs said...

Way to go! You are an asset to the Blog community and of course the Cricut Community!!

Valerie said...

Wow Pam I have beenso amazed by all your knowledge for this past year, Thank you foa ALWAYS being willing to share what you know and yes your OPINION too. :)).
LAstamper at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I found your wonderfully helpful blog about 6 months ago. You have shown me so many useful tips for my Gypsy... Thank you! I follow you through my blog reader through window live mail. Thanks for the chance to win a great cartridge!


Debbie said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. You do great work thanks
The giveaway is great too
debs31totes at gmail dot com

maryvernau said...

Thanks for a great blog and chance to win a cart!

CathyinMN said...

Congratulations on one year of a wonderful blog! I really enjoy it and get a lot of very useful information and ideas from it. I love the cart you are giving away, but I already have it so please don't include me in the giveaway. Whoever wins it will be very lucky as it is a fun cart. Congrats again!

Jenny Gibson said...

Happy Anniversary. Thank you for the rak opportunity.

Wendy Raffin said...

Congratulations!! I have been following from the beginning apparently and didnt even know it. Lucky me! I would so love to have this cart! The season is rapidly approaching.

Crooked Scrapper said...

Pam- Thank you for your perseverance has done you well.When you make up your mind, there is no stoping you.Happy Anniversary. You have done a wonderful job and we have enjoyed every minute that we have been with you on the BUGBytes. I look forward to spending many hours with you. You gave me the courage to conquer my Imagine. You are such a blessing to all who take a minute or two to read. cowbelleru@sbcglob.net I hope you know that you are loved. admired and greatly admired. Thanks for doning such a great job.

Char J said...

congrats on the 1 year mark. i remember it well--i won my gypsy about the same time as i discovered your blog. your blog has helped me many times. tx and congrats again...

Lillie said...

Happy 1st Birthday! I'm fairly a new follower and new to the gypsy. A friend refer me to your blog. I've been viewing your helpful videos. Thanks for the chance to win.

Katie said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I am definitely a follower. :D

SharonS said...

And I've learned so much! Happy Blog Birthday, Pam!

Suz said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I'm a newbie who found your blog just this week; I'm anxiously awaiting my gypsy in the mail and will be checking back for tips and tricks!
Thanks and good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

One year Congrats to you & your GREAT blog! I started following a few weeks back and love your work. Thanks so much for sharing your work its the bomb!!
Karen dkolopez@msn.com

Wendy said...

Happy blog birthday and thank you for the chance to win :).

BETH said...

Congrats!!! I am a new Cricut owner (only 2 months) and your tutorials have helped me tremendously. Thank you. I just started a blog too now I am in the processing of moving so I have to wait til I get set up to play.

nadine said...

I am already a follower CONGRATS!!! on your one year aniversary. You an inspiration to all of us who follow you.

deanerarby at aol dot com

scrapgranny said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations! I always look forward to seeing your new tips! I've been a follower for some time and decided to start my own blog too!


MeMe said...

I am a follower and enjoy reading your blog. I would love this cart


The JOY of the season would be MY JOY to win THANKS for having this Blog Birthday Giveaway

Evelyn said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. I love following your blog, it has great info and ideas

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. I love your Blog. I have been a gypsy owner for 2 months and would be lost without all your help
Elizabeth Steele

- - Sheryl - - said...

Happy 1! I found your blog from Audrey. I am a new follower! Thanks

jeannie said...

Congrats! I have had my cricut for a while, but have only started to learn to use it to its full potential with Design Studio in the last few months. Your tutorials have been very helpful!

Carla Blake said...

Thank you for all the gypsy help you have provided this past year! JOY of the Season is a great cartridge - thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!! Your information has helped so many people!!! Keep on posting!!

Unknown said...

I am new to the Cricut family and have been looking for blogs and sites to give me inspiration for my projects! Would love to have the chance to add another cartridge to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity!!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog Birthday.....

Carol said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

"kind encouraging and inspiring words"

I appreciate your comments so much. They are treasured and such an inspiration. Thanks for leaving them.