So leave a comment in this post with your email by July 3rd midnight central time and yes - you have to be a follower for this one for sure as that's what this is all about :). Let's do the drawing again on July 4th. A nice date for celebration don't you think?
Well even now this latest whatever you call it - watching the dashboard fever - is not gone out of my system yet. Would you believe I am now following my friend Sassy's blog - and also Tuesday Treats :) ? I know I am sick..
Just a little more words - Followers - I thank all of you who are following my blog. It is such a nice feeling when someone reads and thinks that you might just be worthy enough to maybe read a little bit and so then follows you. It soon becomes like a pulse or heart beat which measures how healthy a blog really is. So is it any wonder I am thankful to all of you who have followed and made me so happy today for this is truly a landmark day for me.
Thank you and Hugs!