f The Bugbytes: Our designers

Welcome - Copyright & Disclaimer

Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

November 6, 2006

Our designers

To give our designer's their privacy we have included just their Cricut MB name , along with the link to their blog if they have one.
We want to see your name up here too so please come join us. To be our designer is as easy as sending us (both the contacts) your Cricut MB name (which is a must - you need to be in the MB to be a designer here) and your blog(:) not a must) if you have it. We will add you to our list and will let you know atleast a month before when it is your turn.
Rules of the game. For now every 1st and 2nd week Tuesday Mya and me will design. For the rest of the Tuesdays in the month our designers i.e one of you (one for each Tuesday according to our calender) will make a project from a page (which we will give you) from the cartridge of the month. You can use any other cartridges as embellishments. If you do not have it - no sweat - you can go wild and do a project from any cartridge. In either case you have to send us photo/video step by step instructions. So what are you waiting for!!! Send us your email and grab the designer blinkie to let the world know you are our designer. We are pretty flexible here. If the designer list gets long (;) hopefully) then we can have 2 designers per Tuesday (Happy to say that it's most likely to happen :) ). We are always open to change. So come let's have fun.
updated: SassyLady will be joining us from April permanently. So from April due to many who have joined we will change to 2 designer per week. We will announce the change when the 4th designer joins us.

I coined a new quote for all of us on this venture:
Speak out your creations from the heart , frame it with your mind - and what a lovely sight will ye eyes behold...
- Pam

Our Designers are:
  1. CherB - http://www.cherylswindow.blogspot.com/
  2. Calender girl - Tammy Skinner - http://cricutchristmas.blogspot.com/. http://www.ladybugandcompany.blogspot.com/ & http://www.cricutcritters.com/
  3. Calender Girl - Melanie http://cricutchristmas.blogspot.com/ & http://courtney-lane.blogspot.com/
  4. Calender Girl - Joy http://cricutchristmas.blogspot.com/ & http://www.obsessedwithscrapbooking.com/
  5. PinkStamper - http://www.mypinkstamper.com/
  6. SouthernGypsy
  7. CindyMcVey - http://crazy4crafting.blogspot.com
  8. imafarmgirl
  9. emonty http://emonty22.blogspot.com/
  10. poohbearbaby- http://looneybugdesigns.blogspot.com
  11. SherryBarnes1
  12. Sharonskippy http://skippysplace.blogspot.com/
  13. Coralz http://craftycricutcreations.blogspot.com/
  14. TraciVee http://neverfullpricescrapbooking.blogspot.com/
  15. FitterTwit  http://fundamentalchange.blogspot.com
  16. Nicolesmith http://weremakinmemorieshere.blogspot.com/
  17. Garden Gypsy aka MNscrapper  http://www.scrapngrow.com
  18. Nurseviper http://scrappyrn-scrappyrn.blogspot.com/
  19. evrosado
  20. peggy
  21. Snoflak http://snoflaks.blogspot.com and http://whimsicalscrapsandbugs.blogspot.com
  22. CraftyScentiments www.craftyscentiments.blogspot.com
  23. thecricutlady www.thecricutlady.blogspot.com
  24. flowerdisco  http://flowerdiscosscraphut.blogspot.com/
  25. Rozetteakafluffy http://seefluffyscrap.blogspot.com/
  26. dancingarden http://scrap-n-dance.blogspot.com/
  27. kissakoala
  28. SusieMccormick http://susiemccormick.blogspot.com/
  29. KristineScheivert http://whatabunchofcraft.blogspot.com/
  30. Iowababe
  31. SweetSassyDiva http://sweetsassydiva-gspot.blogspot.com/
  32. Flohill  http://flos-a-scrapin.blogspot.com 
  33. ScrapJoy
  34. M&M milamemories.blogspot.com
  35. Scrappin*Gadget*Girl http://tjsscrappindreams.blogspot.com/
  36. asiamarie www.beyondpaperbyrina.com
  37. Inky Addict http://inkyantics.blogspot.com/
  38. javajen www.javajencreations.blogspot.com
  39. pkaysunshine http://p-kaysunshine.blogspot.com
  40. LoriApgar www.scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com
  41. Ohhh Snap http://ohhhsnapper.blogspot.com/
  42. thunderbirdlindy http://www.thunderbirdlindybydesign.blogspot.com/
  43. PatriciaWeitzel www.PatriciaStamps.com
  44. Kam1
  45. sentimentalscrapper http://craftspotbykimberly.blogspot.com
  46. KellyBienvenu ttp://kbiendesigns.blogspot.com
  47. teachem949     http://craftin-on-my-door.blogspot.com/
  48. Shekeygirlz  http://www.CookingWithCricut.Blogspot.com
  49. JeanneLee
  50. Papercuts
  51. BugJunkie http://bugjunkie.blogspot.com/
  52. Jenny  http://kozfam5.blogger.com
  53. greengirl greengirlscraps.blogspot.com
  54. AllisonF http://goodybagdiva.blogspot.com/