There are two methods of resetting your Gypsy
- First method - 3 button method- The Gypsy should be off for this. Hold down the top left silver button (the zoom button), the right round silver button (menu button) and the power button all at the same time till you get a banded colored screen like you get on the TV sometimes. Then Gypsy will ask you to recalibrate. Just follow the directions.
- Second method - Stylus method - The Gypsy need not be off for this. So this is the method you chose when your G freezes. Remove your stylus cap at the top. You will find a thin needle.Turn your gypsy and stick that pin into a small hole (as small as the needle). Power on your G after this. Additionally you can also go to settings (wrench) and recalibrate the screen.
* Both procedures leave all your files and cartridges untouched. So fear not
And for the video link -
And for the video link -
Resetting your Cricut
(from cricut website)
(from cricut website)
The steps are
1) Turn your machine on with no cartridge loaded. Then you are going to roll all your gray dials (the two on the left and the one on the right) down to their lowest settings.
2) Then you will want to grasp the green/gold cylinder blade assembly and use it to pull the entire gray carriage car unit (the one with the Cricut bug on it) along its track to the other side of the machine. Back in the cave where the gray carriage car usually sits there is a red button. Press that button and hold it down for about three seconds. Let go and then move the gray carriage car back into place.
3) This next step will sound a bit odd, but many times it can fix your little "bug". You're going to roll all your dials (one by one) all the way up and all the way down three times---three times for each dial. Then you are going to hit the Cut button and turn the machine off. Let the machine sit for a few minutes (15-20), load a cartridge, turn it on, and try a practice cut.
If all else fails do call Provocraft customer support