Yes a case - LOL. Now the G MB members have made me a detective - a G detective. All that's missing is a hat and a pipe :).
Remember how I said in the last post to view a file with CDS and preview before transferring to G. One file - one of the MB members had such a problem. Previewing it threw an exception and had the CDS closing down and would not open any other file after that too. I knew it was not a date exception as this member is from US - but I still checked later and also opened it in hexedit to see if there were any discrepancies. But the cut file was fine - only the G file had problems. First thing that caught my eye were all the score marks. That bothered me. As I said before unless and until necessary try to avoid score marks. But I also looked to see if any images may have been slanted/skewed and it had none.
I knew that the culprit was very well the score marks as there is one main point to note with CDS and G.
The G will not accept any image with width or height 0 but CDS sometimes does.
So knowing that and to prove if my thery was correct or not
Here's what I did.
I first opened the cut file (note - not the G file) . I clicked on each image and it not only shows which cartridge and it's dimension (but right clicking after selecting the image will bring you a pop window where when you press show cartridge will show the exact button selected) and all the details.
From this I could see that none were skewed or slanted - which generally causes problems.
So to get to the tiny score marks as it doesn't get selected easily - I just selected the other bigger images, noted their details copied them to a new page and deleted them from the original page. Then I saw that about 5 of the scoremarks had the width set to 0. So I changed that to say 0.02 or 0.03 and then pasted them too to the new page . Then I deleted the now empty page 1 and saved the file again. After this I converted this file to gypsy file and now I could open it in CDS and preview.
So that's how I solved this "case" . taking a bow here. What ??? you are not clapping??...
Jokes aside - the reason I mention it here is that this is one more thing to look for when some file throws an exception in CDS
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