I had a blast at the Swarm yesterday. All I did was a card and almost completed one layout which was more than I thought I would achieve as my goal was to have fun and gab which I sincerely did LOL. Thanks Lori " The Cricut Lady" for arranging this - if you are reading.
One person whom I missed was Rozettaakafluffy who was the one who got me into going to the swarm in the first place as I was hesitant to drive so far ( to me anything more than 15 mins. drive is far LOL). She couldn't make it.
So here's the full report..
I left early at 8:30 in the morning with my friend Michelle who was such a sweetie and didn't allow me to load anything because of my bad back. We both forgot to have our breakfast . We reached there at 9:50 and went in and took a seat, unpacked and set up our workspace. Lori was a great hostess. She greeted us in and showed us our seats.We were seated next to Lynda and the next table was reserved for Tammy (Creative Critters and calender girl) who joined us in the afternoon. Michelle made me (yep) do a layout . These 2 were so prepared that they already started on their layouts before I could even pick the papers. In my defense all I had taken were 3 pictures as I had no plan in making anything. Lynda finished an awesome layout . We all had taken a gift for the gift swap. So there was a game. Shockingly one of the lady fell and hurt herself. Thankfully another one of the lady in the swam was a nurse and handled it well. Realized the importance of having I.C.E (In case of emergency) on the cell. A better idea would be to have a card filled with details. Old fashioned way is always better in such things.She was taken to the nearest hospital and we reached Home from her cell phone. Thankfully she is ok now. (Do say Hi sweetie if you read this)
We then had some demos - gypsy, faux leather technique, design studio, make a cut, doll faces (by a doll herself - Tracy aka craftjunkie too - can I wax poetic about this girl - she is simply awesome and was meeting her and Tammie was my favorite part in the swarm). Then Tammy arrived with her mom - Liz and her aunt. I just fell in love with them. What talent and enthusiasm they have. I hope to grow old as gracefully as these two. Tammy herself was everything I expected and pictured her to be.
We took lots of photos. I even posed for some. Oh My! I am not used to being in pictures and do much better behind the camera than in front of it. When two ladies kindly took some shots from 10 or so of our cameras I grew a little comfortable and actually smiled after the 4th camera shot - Ha Ha. If you follow across the blogs of people who were there and have posted the pictures you will see the progression LOL. Tammy then did demos of glass etching and Martha stewart punches.
So here are the pictures. Some of them are a bit blurry as the persons who had to take the shots did have to figure out 10 or more cameras LOL. But just thought I would share them too.
The demo ladies
Lori (left), Tammy (right) and oh oh - don't be scared by the middle one. That's poor old me
Tammy's family - Aunt, Tammy and Liz her mom (from L to R)
Liz (Tammy's mom) working on the cute paper dolls.
Tracy aka craft junkie - a cutie herself demoing her creations - sketching cute faces
Tammy, me and Tracy (L to R). By this time I learned to smile while posing.
Here is the design studio demo and my friend Michelle is standing way back holding a soda can and
talking to Demita (can't see her here) another friend I made who hopefully will join us in cropping soon.
Here's Laurie ( http://laurieisjustscrappin.blogspot.com/) who demoed Make a Cut. Yes some of us did wear color LOL instead of black. And doesn't she have a nice smile? She was just charming
Tammy doing her Glass etching demo
More pictures
And lastly a group shot of most of us. A little blurry I know but it was way too many cameras - about 20 in all for one poor sweet man to figure out. He called it a language problem ;)
So that's how I spent my time yesterday. What a great day it was. Had some fun and made some friends.