Oct 8th - Dinner at the Homewood Suites.
Jinger and Kristy. What a pair of sweeties these two are!! And the energy. It was Jinger's birthday. She gave us all a treat bag. She is so charming! But she and makeupgirl forced me to take a pic. So yes! there is a pic of my ugly mug next to the beautiful faces. Oh! Okie. Sorry have to borrow your name from Dawn! It is Beth - Makeupgirl217 who is Devil's Spawn. She dragged me into the live ustream and made my face appear there!! Evil Girl!! See that evil face here. The yellow lighting doesn't help the pics
And thank heavens! the camera blurred in this pic :)
Here is Cassandra , Myself and Beth (makeupgirl217)
I figured it out!! They want to stand next to me and take pics because they want to look beautiful!! See! Now I get it!!
Next day ie Oct 9th at the Swarm held at Gateway
Phlenin and Beth
The Circleblog team! Hmm. I have now crossed Jana from my list as I just heard that Gasp!! She put my dancing photo in the blog!! Well here is hoping that hubby never stumbles into that blog.
Jim Colby and the team
Now your turn to be Bewitched. Here is Samantha.. oops sorry Becky known to us as Admin Becky
Here I am dwarfed between Becky and Kerri . What sweet ladies!! They both are so lively!! Definitely not the power puff girls but yes someone you would enjoy to get to know. Pssst.. I think Becky just needs a little bit of help. She is Halloween obsessed. But if you just manage to get past that one fault :) you will be fine.She seems pretty sane other than that. And yes that is Admin Kerri - birthday girl. You should see her blog. She makes awesome cards with digital stamps. ( link - http://bigsmilesfromkbear.blogspot.com/ )
See that pretty flower necklace I am wearing! Beth made that for me using UTEE. Yes this girl brought her melting pot there!!
Now look at Becky's nails
Now this place the Grand hall at Gateway mall was supposed to have been a railway depot. The Acoustics was horrible but the place was so beautiful! The paintings, The architecture, ceilings and the stained glass windows!! Here are some pics of that.
And at the end of the day. Here are some of us. Yes that is Nurseviper aka Dawn the Sweet Angel!!
Well when I offered to take pics of the bug one of them took a pic of me with the green bug. Now that bug was a very mischievous bug. I do want to know who was inside!!I will post that as soon as they send that to me.
And Oh! Here is the swag bag
So that the Utah swarm! Hope you enjoyed seeing the pics. Wish I could have seen all of you MB members especially the Gypsy board. Maybe we will see each other in another swarm!! Those of you I met - Oh I was so happy seeing your faces!!