Nowadays even welding inside solids (as we call it oppsed to welding inside frames) is possible in most cases with tweaking of the grouping order. I think this was possible after the double digit version updates as earlier it was not possible in about 80% of the cases. Still not possible in CDS I think.
I keep telling you folks check the grouping order and yes that pays out.
I know I have not posted in a while and thanks to Fittertwit am posting this.
(at present the firmware portion is 0206) unless you have the imagine beta testing version I think. )
for those who are wondering what is solid and what is frame
when you want say a square inside a square - if the cartridge itself has that figure ie pushing one image button gets you that image then it is a frame.
for eg in gypsy wanderings if you press the 2nd creative feature (1st row 2nd button) with shift also selected it gives the frame option
just the creative feature without the shift gives just solids like a square or rectangle etc.
So here the one on the right is what we call a frame
I had just rearranged the solids (as I call it) to show better
actual way I want this is as shown below
Now when you weld a phrase inside frame you get 99% success
but try welding a phrase say smile to the inside of the small square which is inside the big square. with smile showing then unless when you play with the order you will find success more now.
try in this case grouping the squares first and lastly the crown.
here are pics to show you
see how the weld has gone wrong when I weld the phrase smile -look at the weld in the top left solid one vs the frame weld on the right
now to undo when such mistakes often is to first (after taking off preview of course) press the unweld key
Now in this case what worked was grouping the phrase last and then pressing weld-
here are the photos showing that
So hope you enjoyed this tip