f The Bugbytes: Gypsy Tip - Note the file extensions while transferring/downloading gypsy or cds files

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February 5, 2011

Gypsy Tip - Note the file extensions while transferring/downloading gypsy or cds files

Sometimes one does certain thing by muscle memory that it does not even occur to ask the other person if they are doing this lol
Here is one scenario. A person was having trouble opening files which she downloaded.
And the culprit was ha ha file extension..
But why wasn't the problem obvious?
Becuase nowadays file extensions gets hidden by default in windows I do not know about MAC.
Earlier when things were simpler and even windows were new lol
extensions used to always been shown in a file. All details were.
I am one of those oldies so I like that - to see file details like date bytes etc etc. so I always set it up that way. as I said it has become like a muscle memory.
You may not want other stuff cluttering but I do recommend atleast to have extension showing. Saves you lot of trouble.
A simple solution which will save you lots of headache in the long run is in windows - set your folder properties.
windows usually has the extensions hidden by default. Best way is to check mark the hide and that way all your file will show what the actual extension is
In windows sometimes if a file does not know which program is associated with it it tends to add it whichever program it thinks is nearest match. Also sometimes when things get uploaded either the uploading place might do it automatically or the uploading person might have intentionally changed it.
So I recommend - always a wise practice - to unhide the extensions.You can usually do it by right clicking near the top taskbar or try to see if option is there in folder options. Depends on your OS (google search your particular OS on how to show extensions)
Mine is Windows 7 so I here are snapshots from windows 7.




fig 4

fig 5


So once you know the extension you can change the extensions by renaming. (note sometimes you may not be allowed to change extensions unless you are administrator.
This method can be followed for all files regardless of programs .
But program specific methods can also work.
And while you are at this I would suggest if you have CDS to
right click on gypsy file and associate the program for gypsy and cds file to open with cds.
You can associate program with file from control panel too.
I will not go into that as you can easily google your particular OS and see the steps.
Pay attention to exact OS edition too as windows 7 home is different from windows 7 professional as profesional versions will have more safety blocks to enable them to run on multiple systems professional so additional securities will be in place.
Also a warning!Be careful while playing with folder options and try not to unhide hidden files as then they will start showing system files and if you delete that unknowingly your system will crash.

Just uncheck the extension as I have shown you.

(if it says only administartors can than get the administartor in your computer or laptop to do it)

Well that's my tip for today