f The Bugbytes: Pictures of Dallas Cricut Stampede 2011

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

March 21, 2011

Pictures of Dallas Cricut Stampede 2011

Ok here are some pictures as I know many want to see. I did some quick edits to cut some embarrassing parts out. If anyone wants their particular picture taken out please email me. Also email me if I have not got your name and you want to tag the pictures. If it is ok I'll then later in the week post them on facebook or MB. I will write my experiences in a different post.
Tammy was a gracious hostess and what I admired that her smile never faltered. The stampede definitely ran like a smoothly oiled machine. Of course there were some hiccups here - aren't there always? But the way it was handled - well I'll say that that's the way it needs to be handled! Calm under pressure.
I had 2 main reasons going to Dallas even though I knew I would be a little tough for me
1) To meet Sheila!!!! To meet Sheila and to meet Sheila. I met her and she was everything I imagined!!
I also was so fortunate to meet Melissa and Roberta. I wish we all can stay in touch. And do I have to say - I met Beth again. And when they left I cried!!
2) To go to Tammy's resort once. She is such a gracious calm hostess! Grace under Pressure!

Before posting pictures I just wanted to say this - lol this was a phrase I loved and used by one of the attendees (I think I'll definitely be smacked for this - but what can we call us - the  attendees - consider that for swarms they call us - bees or insects "swarm" lol - so "stampede" - cows? well there were some bulls too lol so are we cattle?
Ouch!! I didn't even finish my thought and someone smacked me already? )


Pictures (My experience  on a later post)

Beginning of our journey - Friday morning (18th March)

 Beginning of our journey - Kim driving us to Dallas

This was a cool truck/barbecue on our way to Dallas

Friday evening before dinner - at the circle meet up

Sheila aka sassylady - waiting for the meet to begin
Melissa waiting patiently

Beth aka Makeupgirl217 & TxscrapperMom

That's sheila aka sassylady, me, makeupgirl217 aka Liz, Txscrappermom - Roberta - in clockwise order

Pink stamper - Robyn and me

Meliisa Todd in the center - oh my she is a hoot!!


See here is the reason why. Look at what she was wearing! And I do not even want to go into what she did the next night lol

left to right - Linda aka Tulip collector, me and Beth aka Makeupgirl217

Friday Evening (18th March)- Dinner
Left to right - Teressa Collins, Cindy Royal (Circle Magazine), me & Shannon(Provocraft)

Saturday Morning 

Tammy's mom and aunt. My favorite ladies. I just wanted to pack them up and bring them home with me.

Monique Griffith - Love this girl!

Our Table - Sassy had made some games for us and it was so much fun.
Right to left - Melissa from Melissa Made, Sheila aka sassylady, Beth aka Makeupgirl217 and Madam Monster!

Marji from Houston - you would have already seen this creative girl in our Houston meet video

TxScrapperMom aka Roberta and Marji. It was so fun meeting Roberta.

Texas/Houston circlets - left to right - Brandy Jones aka Aggie98- (intricate circle card designer), Laurie (do you remember that brilliant 1000 Watt smile?, Me and Tracy aka craftjunkietoo at the back to the right is Lori aka cricutlady and Michelle

crazy ladies

Monique, me, Robyn, Tammy, Karlee & Angela


Tammy's mom Lily. I just love love this woman!

Kim and on the extreme right JanaB

Tanya with her awesome creation. Mike at the back plotting to put my back permanently out of action. (yes I have witnesses who heard him say so :) )

Look at this! This is Tanya's awesome design. She just used a leaf and layered it into this beautiful dress


At stampmaker table with Charlie. Yeah! after this I am getting my stampmaker out of the box.  Charlie was such a dear. He explained things so well and he had a lovely Australian accent (I think).

 The stamp I made

Isn't that cool?

Well that's it. I will post our projects later. We played pass the pictures and make a layout and pick the card and assemble in our table. It was fun. well that's for another day :)
Hope you enjoyed seeing the pictures.
Shoot me an email if your pic is on here and you want to remove it or if you want to tag it.