What I have for you today is a little bath salts project with a matching card. I call this project "Put It On Display" because these little bath salt envelopes rest in their own little display box. Here it is:
And here's a picture showing one of the bath salts envelopes outside the display box:
And, of course, you just have to embellish the back and include the directions for it to be well dressed:
This little display box holds 2 envelopes of bath salts (or you can add potpourri, candy, or whatever you like). It makes an adorable gift, and it's quick and easy! Here's how you can make it. First cut out the 2-page cut.file which will be the display box and the envelopes (I have these files available for you for download as a cut or gypsy file on my blog today):
Page 1
Page 2
Once you have cut the box and envelopes, this is what you'll have:
I'm sure you all are familiar with how to fold cut files but, just in case, I'll go through it for you. Starting with the display box, fold in the outer side tab on the right side of the box, and next fold in the front, back and side panels by aligning the folds with the middle of each tab slit; last fold in each bottom tab. Below is an example of how the folds will look:
Next fold the side tab upward toward the inside of the box and add adhesive/glue to the front side of the side tab (the side that's facing up); bring over the opposite side panel and adhere the top side of side tab to the back side of the panel. See example below:
Once you have glued the sides together you will notice part of the side tab protruding over the diagonal edge of the side panel, before completing the display box you will need to snip off the protruding edge aligning it with the diagonal edge as shown below:
All that's left to do with the box is fold and glue the bottom tabs, saving one of the larger tabs to fold in last:
Now it's time to fold the envelopes for the bath salts. So easy -- just fold in the side tabs, add glue only to the top of the tabs, and fold the bottom panel up to just along the top of (and aligning with) the panels on each side:
Below I'm showing you that I've added tick-marks so you'll know where to fold the flap down for your bath salt envelope:
And here's your display box and bath salts envelopes:
All that's left for you to do is decorate/embellish them as you'd like, and add whatever you wish inside your envies. You can even toss in a small matching card using the scraps like I did! As I added bath salts to my envies, I used about 6 teaspoons of bath salts to each envelope; of course you can use a store-bought brand but I used a very simple and basic recipe. If you like to use it too, here's how:
Mixall the ingredients together well and allow to dry for 24 hours -
(All except the oils can be found at your local grocery or drug store. Oils can usually be purchased at a health food or beauty supply store)
- 1/2 cup each Epsom Salt and Sea Salt
- 3-4 drops of glycerin
- Several drops of fragrant or essential oil (or spray with your favorite perfume/cologne)
- Optional: 1-2 drops of food color, if you prefer your salts to have a color
Because I like a finer and less course bath salt, once the glycerin is dry, I blend it for several seconds in a blender. That's it!
The cut and gypsy files are available at the end of the post on my blog today, and was designed using the George cartridge. If you'd like it, click on my name at the top of this post and it is a direct link to my blog. If you have any comments and/or questions, I'd love to hear from you!
Have fun with this! I hope you please let me see what you've done with it, and thank you so much for stopping by!!!
I'll be seeing you!