Hi ya everyone! Melissa from Melissa Made here to share with you today! Thank you to the sweet Pam for allowing me to share on her blog. Anyone that follows my blog or knows me personally understands my love for my Copics.
I hope you enjoyed this brief tutorial. If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section. For more fun projects visit Melissa Made.
Thank you!
( Copic colors used for project)
I've found one more way to enjoy them as well and that's using the Airbrush System (ABS 1) with Copics.
(ABS 1 System can be purchased at iCopic)
I really want to purchase an air compressor for use with the airbrush but still haven't bitten the bullet. This tutorial will show you a simple way to make a fun background for your cards.
(Tiddly Inks image Donna)
Using Copics with a background allows you to color your image using the same colors so that everything matches perfectly!Thank you!