Today I thought I'd share with you a blog book I made. This is for me to keep track of my posts what future ideas I have. Sorry about this picture it's a bit blurry. I didn't realise until I uploaded it and had already covered it. This is a book that has lots of clear pockets inside.
The first page is a space to put down your blog ideas. For me and the design teams I'm on, these are ideal to remind me of theme's and which stamp to use etc.
This page is a blank calendar page. I put on the dt's I'm on and any other events coming up. You can see we have Mothering Sunday coming in a week. In my book I put a calendar page then 4 of the blog pages in back to back. There's room to put a year's worth in. I still have space left over at the back of the book too. This is a work in progress and I will probably change it around a bit once I've got used to what I want etc.
Hopefully this will inspire you to make one of your own. Thanks Pam for having my today.
Kelly x
Kam's Crafty Place