2 kinds of birds are found nesting and hatching around my area. The white tipped doves and the mocking bird. The doves laid their eggs in oak tree well above the eye level but these mockingbirds!
Well let me warn you. These try to build their nest wherever! Before the eggs hatch not much of a problem - but oh boy! when they hatched- Flying squads!!The parent birds attack!! Even my dogs could not go outside and do their business in peace. For about 2-3 weeks we had to keep a broom and take it with us fend them off. When I shared this with our vet she said yep they do that and asked us next time to remove the nest before they lay eggs as they are notorious for this.
Oh but the young are so cute.
I could only take pictures with my cell or lumix as no way could I stand there with my dslr and take pics safely lol!
Here's the bush/shrub of climbing roses and jasmine amongst which the nest was built.
I don't know how the mom got them out as they had to move to another place to start flying. Too thorny! But it did offer a good protection from other predators and the fence gave a good support during the heavy wind and rain. Guess that's why it was chosen.
Here they are through their stages.
3 eggs
Nature is a Miracle isn't it?