Being so caught up in my kitchen-remodel, I'd actually forgotten until last night that it's my turn as DT designer today. Thank God I remembered in time! LOL!
Realizing at the last minute I had to have a project today, I had to come up with something really fast and easy, so I decided on a little ribbon pocket to hold a bar of soap. This one came out so cute I think I'm going to make a bunch of these to have around for unexpected Christmas presents. Here are pictures of the pocket closed and open:
This pocket is certainly nothing new, is very simple, and probably doesn't require a tutorial but I'm going to explain and show you how I put it together anyway -- just in case! LOL!
Without cutting the ribbon, I started by measuring out enough ribbon from the spool to cover the soap forming a pocket , leaving about a 1/4" allowance to fold a hem into the bottom; this will hide the raw edge opening of the pocket when folded over to encase the soap bar. Pictures below are side and top views of pocket fold:
Next I measured and cut off enough ribbon from the spool to form the cover-flap, this time leaving a 1/2" allowance to fold 1/4th inch and double-fold another 1/4th inch to form a hem -- again to hide the raw edge. Here are pictures of the first and then double fold:
NOTE: I do not remove the wire from this ribbon as it helps to maintain closure of the top flap; however, you can remove the wire and use your own desire closure.
Last, I hot glued down the top and bottom hem folds and the side-edge folds forming the pockets. (If necessary cleaned up the pocket by cutting away any loose glue and/or ribbon strings):
I hope my little project inspires you to do quick presents when needed too! It can be sized to fit and hold any size gift as long as the ribbon is long and/or wide enough. I'm also going to do several of these to hold hand sanitizers too! We all need them, right?
Of course, should you have any questions at all, click on my name at the top of this post to be directed to my blog where you can leave comment of your question.
Well, gotta run -- still really busy (and watchful! The workers are still strangers in my home). But thanks so much for stopping by and, I hope to have more time next month to bring you either a new or more detailed/challenging project.
Love ya, and I'll be seeing you!