f The Bugbytes: Open template feature not dynamic in gypsy

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October 15, 2009

Open template feature not dynamic in gypsy

I noticed this while I was designing a wordbook. I saved a file. Opened it up as template and got around making a file for 1st page. While doing the 2nd page I decided I wanted to change the template a bit. So went back and did changes to original file. Opened the saved 1st page and the 2nd. But nope the change was not reflected. It only uses the version of the file which was saved with the template

So I gathered that the Open template feature is not dynamic across files.

Advantage: You can do N number of changes to original and know the rest of pages are not affected. (does that seem like a advantage to you???)
Disadvantage: If you want the change to be dynamic and reflect across pages   you have to go make new files based on the present template. Waaaa!!!!!

And before you say it -  I tried opening the page file and then from inside the file tried to open template but it just jumped to new mat asking me if I wanted to save this file.

 God!!! My gypsy is making me walk on pebbles  barefoot at that and making me climb harder.......
Will the view from the top be worth it - I wonder