So here I go again
If you have trouble linking cartridge (unlike the other post about freezing G's these method are not just a wild throw and are totally safe :) :) )
- You have to hear a click when plugging.
- If you have reversed it - sometimes the other way works.
- Blow to get dust out and try.
- Cut something with it and try.
- Plug in cricut, link G to cricut, cut something while still in cricut and link through
- cricut and try (george and basic most of the times works only while linking from
- cricut).
- Jiggle a little bit so that if you have loose contact - then contact is made. Don't jiggle too much , else cartridge will break.
If all the above steps fail please call PC. Hopefully you should have registered your cartridge as soon as you bought it.
One other bit of advice is not to link lots of cartridge at the one time. Do it in batches and give a space of time before doing the next batch. The Gypsy does write atleast it's serial number on the cartridge so if gets overloaded (LOL) well... . There have been cases when some cartridges have to be sent back to PC