f The Bugbytes: Handling the exception date error when transfering/converting international cut files

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December 19, 2009

Handling the exception date error when transfering/converting international cut files

Since G has gone international we have more and more of this error popping up. Either CDS throws up an error or the gypsy sync fails to load the file.
So always check the date in the cut file or g file
Fixing this error is very easy.
Download a free Hexadecimal editor
I used the one by HexEdit but you can use anyone of the numerous files out there by googling for it . Do read the how to use manual as each editor is different . So edit the date based on your particular editor.
Here's a link to the one I used
Run the editor and then open the file.
Here's a screen shot of this particular editor

Change the date so the the 1st 2 digits are less than 12. I have drawn a yellow box using my photoeditor to show you  where to change(so do not look for that in the editor - trust me I sometimes do this and think - where is that yellow box?.... :) ha ha). I changed the date to 10 (the cursor has then shown up in the next spot - so read the 1st line in the yellow box - the 10 was what I changed)
Do change the date in yours depending on the editor - always making it less than 12.
Save the file - either replace or if you want to keep the original - choose save as.
Then open this new file - if you have replaced then of course it will the same file - and then convert and upload to G and presto - you can open the file in G.
Hope this helps.
Now - where did I keep my teacup...