Crave The Wave! Hi Sheila here from ShesASassyLady, and I would like to welcome you all to Tuesday Treats today. Don't you just love beach photos as there is always so much action in just a simple shot. Well this is my Life Is A Beach page of my little Justin as he is overlooking the Gulf of Mexico at Orange Beach, AL last summer. I am so hoping you can see on these photos the wonderful paper I chose. They are from My Minds Eye and DCWV. I have to tell you about this layout. I actually got the design from Dawn at Gypsy Maps when she posted all the pages on the Cricut Message book. This I think is her July 10 and it was just perfect for this page. All I did was go in a alter the artwork to Life Is A Beach instead of the flowers.
Aren't these papers gorgeous... and so sparkly that I didn't even need to apply glitter. I have to admit that I am a little disapointed as I type this as I made two videos, 1 from my phone of me choosing the papers (I couldn't get the video to work!) then the second from my little recored and it worked. The only problem is that my mouth was in gear and I went over the 10 minutes you-tube allows and I don't have any editing programs. I didn't take enough photos so this will be a quick post.
See how sparkley these are! I love it and I didn't even have glitter all over the house! Word of caution when you are cutting papers like this your setting should be at 6. Now the red paper I did 2 cuts to get perfect. Then when I was done I took the blade housing off and just wiped down the blade as often times the particles stick to it and then you will have a poor cut on the next cut and I know you don't want that to happen.
The above papers cut perfectly with one cut set at 6 pressure high.
Now with Crave the Wave, I cut in blue and red as I wanted more texture of the feel of chipboard but when I did the wave it didn't fit right as I had altered the wave so I cut another blue of the title and trimmed off the words so my waves would be consistant.
Here are all the cut pieces and I moved it all aside and concerned myself with putting together the title/wave section and the little crab.
All pieces together I went to work on the title box. I used Zip Dry glue as if is easy to move even though quick to dry. It also does not discolor your paper and that is important to me. It also adheres to glitter and shiney surfaces.
Now doesn't that look cool? All that is left is to lift the waves a little to give it dimension and a feel of movement.
After the crab and title page were together it took no time at all to put together the page.
Look at that shimmery paper, you just can't help but feel like you are on the beach with these colors and the glistening the papers produce.
Now wasn't that easy? I sure hope you like today's design. Be sure to come back often to see more designs offered by many talented ladies.
I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words. Your comments inspire me to keep scrapping and sharing things with you.