f The Bugbytes: LOL another glitch - CDS to gypsy? or not?

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August 30, 2010

LOL another glitch - CDS to gypsy? or not?

well I did the update (again found out accidently about the update when I just went to transfer files)
Since I have been working on computer  for days now and not touched the G I decided to my file in CDS and convert to gypsy. When I do this - I generally do some template work and fine tuning in gypsy. For eg if I want a border - I will do only 2 sides and then get to the G and do other two sides by grouping and copying and pasting. makes life easier for me - each to it's own I guess. Now I had sized  a rectangle from George and Basic shape to a  value. Then when I tried to unlink the chain and change it - nope it would not let me change the width individually  of the height. So  those who have CDS try doing this and let me know if this is just in this update or the previous too.  Let me test it further to see if the problem is just with George and Basic or other cartridges too. I will also try reset. Nope haven't done it yet as I want to analyse first before changing any factor

Updated: Tested and Strange - it is just this file which had problem. Maybe has to do with the half grouping thingy in CDS where we can group and move together but cannot copy paste. When I just pressed ungroup even though G does not show it grouped it changed
I will chalk it up as an anamoly!!