The first picture is on the file itself, sans Christmas tree cut, I added that later. If you look closely, you can tell the image is not perfectly symetrical.
At this point I thought it would be cute with a window in it, so I added the Christmas tree from one of the Christmas carts.
I did not add score lines to the file itself, but did them by hand afterwards. Did I mention this cut is not symetrical, and because of this, I just had to eyeball the score lines..
I took 12" of 2 different colored ribbon and some heavy weight thread and a needle and with a gathering stitch sewed the 2 ribbons together by hand and gathered them to form a rosette. Since I was only doing one, I didn't get out the sewing machine.
I had 3 prototypes before I settled on the last design but I thought I would decorate and throw them in to the post also. They don't look bad, especially after being decorated up.
Here is a pic of all of my boxes, they would look great with 25 cut out and used a count down to Christmas Calendar maybe strung on a string in front of a window.. The first 3 are the prototypes(can you tell my husband is an engineer?) The last one with the tree is the final one.
Close ups, I added a piece of Cricut Cart Plastic to the inside of the tree cut so my goodies would not fall out. I have purchased so many carts, I don't think I will every run out of plastic.
Well thanks for having me today. If you are interested in the cut file, email me ( and I will post on my blog. I didn't want to just put it out there with it not being perfect.
Until next time, keep crafting, Beth.