First I will apologize for so many pictures.
All pictures are small to reserve space but you can click them to make them bigger and read some writing and arrows I've photoshopped on them.
But I don't know how to do a video YET! I will, someday!
Hi, it's TR. I use to have a blog.
But I had to delete it some time ago for personal reasons. And now I'm feeling better and our dear Pam reminded me I can post here. And show what I've been playing with.
So... on with the show.
This is a little treat bag that, when I made it the first time, was 12x3 and would hold biscotti or chocolate covered pretzels! Well, I needed a little bit smaller one so I messed with the measurements and came up with this. The final measurements are 5"x3" and I can get 2 out of a 12x12 paper! It has a vellum window that gives you a peek as to what is inside. I'm going to put little chocolate covered pretzels and gift cards in it for Christmas.
To start let me suggest to always use a bone folder on a fold!
It just makes everything look crisper.
The original cut of the red paper is 6"x9".
Score on the 1,2,3 inch lines on your ScorePal and then flip it and do the same on the other side. These folds are along the 6" sides.
Then put one along the bottom (or along the 9"side) scored at one inch also.
The vellum is cut at 3"x5".
And the tag is cut from the Storybook cartridge.
I manipulated it in my Gypsy to measure 5.08"x2.75".
So now lets make it!
Fold along 6" side score lines.
So that it looks like this.
This is the 6x9 with the folds done.
Put dblsided tape along the inside of the 6" sides.
Put dblsided tape below the score line that is on the 9" side (bottom)
Pull in the mountain folds and stick to the dblsided
tape that you just put below the bottom score line.
Lay the vellum in and then
fold the side pieces, with dblsided tape, down to the vellum.
It should look like this from the bottom.
Make this picture big by clicking on it.
Trim some of the bulk away by clipping the corners as shown.
This is optional: make a decorative edge with
scallop scissors.
Make picture big by clicking on it.
Place a small piece of dblesided tape here in this nook (at the bottom)
Make this picture big too!
Place a piece of dblsided tape across this bottom (below the score line).
Fold at the score line
and stick it down!
It should look like this by now from the top!
Cut the tag and then score it in the middle
and then 1/2" to each side of the middle.
Fold so that it looks like this.
Fold the tag in half with printed sides together.
And tuck it in the top and along the back.
Staple or glue this tag in.
I put the points of the staples to the outside
so that when I did the next step it would cover any sharp points.
Cover the staples with dblsided tape
and then fold down one of the flaps of the tag.
This just shows I ink distressed it.
Can you even tell the difference?
Now, turn it around and this is
what it should look like from the front and top.
I had a scrap of paper laying there so I used that
to thread my button! Hahahahaha Cute trick!
Turn the button over and put a ZOT dot on it
and trim the paper thread so that it doesn't show.
Placement for button.
Finished product minus the pretzels and gift card!
Hope you like this. Sorry it was so long.