I ended with our 1st Table game - Layout .
The 2nd game we had was Card Game. It was late at night - according to Sassy somewhare around 11.30 PM. We each had cut out and materials for a quick Assembly of cards - 2 sets. Yes 2 sets of cards each. We were to pick up a name and we had to assemble on of the card made by the person we picked and the other card in the set was for giveaway. Layout idea was mine and this game idea was Sassy's. So ladies I picked Melissa's (Melissa from Melissa Made ) card and assembled one. The other kit ( cut pieces for one lucky winner to assemble) is the giveaway. So do post a comment in this post and you will win the unassembled card.
Here's the outside of the card -
And the inside of the card.
It is pretty easy to assemble so there won't be any instructions. You can take a look at these cards and assemble. The stamp is a copyrighted digital stamp that Melissa took permission from to make just these 2 cards. It's from Melissa Jenkins of Meljen's Designs at Whimsy. Here's a link http://whimsystamps.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=13_18&products_id=860
So do leave a comment in this post until April 9th next Saturday midnight (any US zone as I will pick only on Sunday) and I will pick a lucky winner on Sunday who gets one of the unassembled kit (sans the glue - pop darts and any other kind which you will have to provide yourself).
Ok now to the rest of the story and pictures.
We were pretty bushed by now though Sassylady (http://shesasassylady.blogspot.com/) was going strong and even took a video. I had kept mine back at the room and was too tired of lugging mine back. Sassy's was a slim kodak and mine is cannon and lol I had a huge tripod and not the table one. I know I should have used my iphone but well I did not. Beth (http://www.217creations.com/) was kind of busy so we picked a card for her but I do not know if she completed or not. But Melissa (http://melissamade2.blogspot.com/), Sassy and myself did.
Ok I wrote the names on a slips of paper and everyone picked one.
Sassy went first and picked mine
Then Melissa went next and picked Beth's
I picked next and got Melissa's
And lastly Beth got Sassy's
So you have seen the card I picked. Now to give a brief look at other cards
Sassy's pick which was the card I had made. I am posting just the pics as you can read more about this in their own blogs.
Sassy with finished card
Now Melissa's card (she picked Beth's name)
Melissa with Beth's card
And finally me with Melissa's card completed
When Beth finishes her card and hopefully send me a photo I will post that too here later.
So that was our card game.
Next day was more relaxed as we just woke a bit later ate breakfast and hung around and met many people in the crop room - grabbed a box lunch and then headed out from Dallas. Parting was tough and I did have tears in my eyes after all the other three left as I was the last to leave.
Kim was so awesome and helped me load up in her van and we headed out around 3:00. We talked a lot and reached home tired at about 8:30 as there was lots o traffic on the road.
So that brings me to the end of the Dallas Stampede story.
Be sure to make a comment by Sunday morning to win Melissa's awesome Card!