A few days back I got an email to review a product called EasyCanvasPrints. This one interested me very much as I love canvas! And when one can print a picture onto canvas and hang it on the wall then Yes!
Their website is https://www.easycanvasprints.com/ .
Here is a picture of my 8 x 8 canvas. This picture is from a layout I made a while back - http://www.thebugbytes.com/2011/05/youre-my-sonshine.html
Here is the canvas
Here's how the back looks
I chose the 3/4" standard wrap. There is an option for gallery wrap too for add on cost which I think is about 1& 1/2 inches or 1& 1/4th inch - I am not sure.
After you choose the wrap you upload the image and it'll tell you if the resolution is ok or not. It should be between 180 DPI and 240 DPI. Then once you do that you can choose the type of border for the wrap - a mirror image, image wrap or border color. I liked the mirror image.
So if you want an image canvas printed do take a look at this site