There are nine 4 inch squares on one side of PaperLayerz and a full sheet of a complementary color on the other. This is one of my favorites, All Stressed Out.
But if you have an E2, the best way to line the cuts up with the colors is to use the Gypsy. I made a 4 inch grid on the first layer (which is visible all the time) and then hide all the other layers so there is no confusion about what cut is going where. It is a good idea though to triple check the paper and the Gypsy are facing the same direction.
After the cuts are made, carefully lift the paper off the mat and set it aside, it still has use, which I'll show you in a minute. The cuts I'm working with today are the Silhouette Feature on Damask Decor. These are cut at less than 4 inches. I forgot to change my cutting blade, but they still turned out pretty well.
The silhouette cut is on the right, on the left is what was left over after the silhouette cut was carefully removed (sometimes it helps to use a paper piercer to make sure small pieces stay on the Cricut mat. I cut a mat from what was left on the paper and put it on the Cricut mat.
I took a piece of co-ordinating paper and cut it about the size of the mat, then I put glue on the paper left on the Cricut mat and set the co-ordinating paper face down on top of the glue. Wait a little while and then carefully remove everything from the Cricut mat. You want to have an idea of the backing papers before you start cutting because you don't want to leave the "leftovers" on the Cricut mat too long (the mat adhesive starts to stick more).
Here are all 6 cuts and their leftovers made useful, and all at under 4 inches each :D. Two cards down, ten to go lol.