f The Bugbytes: Using the Gypsy for really long titles

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

October 5, 2011

Using the Gypsy for really long titles

Hello everyone! It's Ohhh Snap from Ohhh Snap, and it's is my day to be the Guest Designer at TheBugBytes! Today I'm sharing a project made almost entirely from the October 2011 Club Ruby Designers kit. The only supplies that aren't in the kit are my Twinkles H2O Orange Peel paint (the picture doesn't do justice to the amount of shine in this paint) and Black Tuxedo Memento Dual marker.

This was a realllllly long title, and I didn't want to keep track of all those letters if I didn't need to. And much to my delight, with my Gypsy and the Cricut Expression 2, I didn't need to. If you don't have a Cricut Expression 2, you can do this direct from the cartridge with your Original Expression, it will just take a bit more experimentation to get the lettering where you want it. (I have heard that some Original Expressions are less shaky with markers and Gypsys than others, so your's might work well.)

My Gypsy is my favorite design tool. The MOMMM title and it's shadow are laid out on separate layers since they will be cut with different papers. Just before each one is cut, it's moved to a paper-saving location. The written title is printed on a sheet of thin white paper first so I can hold it up to the light with the patterned paper behind it and make sure it's where I want it. Have a piece of scrap paper on hand to put under the marker when it's swapped for the blade.

This is the title all written out.
This is it painted in with the Twinkles H2Os Orange Peel.

The MOMMM title shadow and the photo mat are both cut from the Enchanted paper and edged with the Twinkling H2Os paint. The MOMMM cut in orange cardstock is edged with the brush side of the Memento marker. The other end of the marker was used for the journalling. The photo mat is only attached on the side and bottom so it doubles as a pocket for more journalling.

The Journalling is written with the marker end of the Memento Dual marker.

October 2011 Club Ruby Designers kit:
  • Fancy Pants Trick or Treat
  • Fancy Pants Trick or Treat Enchanted (MOMMM shadow and photo mat).
  • Cut Mates orange - MOMMM lettering

  • Twinkles H2O Orange Peel
  • Black Tuxedo Memento Dual Marker
  • Blue Cricut Marker
  • Inexpensive White 12 x 12 sheets (for testing)
  • Cricut Expression 2
  • Gypsy 
  • Robotz cartridge
  • Sesame Street Elmo's Party cartridge
Cricut Cuts:
  • MOMMM!!! Robotz font and Font Shadow - 1.41"
  • Painted title Sesame Street Elmo's Party - 0.75" (with marker).