here is a blog tip which may come in handy for those new to blogger.
For those who are already pro you will already know this. But for the new bloggers - may be helpful. I for sure wish I has someone teaching me a few tricks when I made so many mistakes and had to learn. I learnt a lot by surfing . Got lots of boo boos on the way. But well I will stop rambling and come to the trick.
You can post in blogger ahead of time. Yo can save it at first as draft and once you are happy with it then just schedule the post by choosing post options - go to schedule time and date and enter the time and date you want your article to appear and fill the numbers in. Then click Publish
Here is an image
Also one additional thing you can do is if you have an editing blog (recommended) just publish it (without choosing schedule) and then at the top of the post go to edit html and copy the post
(select all and press ctrl c (both buttons at the same time)on PC and cmd c on mac) and then go to the blog where you want pasted and paste. This will copy everything including the pictures. You can then click on the compose and press preview and then schedule and publish or just publish.
This saves lots of time and also makes publishing in more than one blog way easy.