As I opened the gypsy sync to transfer some files - there is an update.
It takes about 15- 20 mins. The bar first fills in - this takes about 10 - 12 mins and then status elapsed time shows up and after 1 - 2 mins or so Status - Updating cartridge data message is on for 3 -4 mins and then Status - Updating cartridge overlay message comes on for another 10 - 12 mins. Then comes the Status Done message with a pop window also which appears (in my XP laptop) which says update successfully. At this stage I would advice you not to press the x close up on the G sync window but to g to File menu and press Exit. Only when you get the message Cleaning up gypsy resource will the G be released . So if for any reason your gypsy is not released - First reopen the Gypsy sync and then exit again. Do this first and only if does not work try the reset.
Ok this update has the 3 Martha Stewart cartridges but still no celebrate with Flourish. We did have the French Manor and rock princess etc in the previous update 0199(content part- the updates are now 0191 : 0198 etc where 0191 the first part before the colon is firmware and 2nd part aftre the colon is content)
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