Gypsy vs Design Studio
G at build 0191/0198 and CDS at 1.0.40422.0
Here is the Advantage of Gypsy
1) Can be used by both Mac users and windows users (as long as the OS is compatible)
2) portability - you do not need to lug the computer to your cricut or anywhere
3) need not have cartridge in the cricut so no lugging them to swarms and crops (provided you link them)
4) Group feature makes resizing your whole creation (not just the single cartidge image) easier and also actions like welding etc. Just group all images and a single tap of the key takes care if it
5) Zoomed to the max it can be to scale which is so useful when designing.
6) Open template feature is such a blessing and yeah! can now be selectively turned off and on. (Open template - You can see the greyed image trace on the next page/layer - which helps in designing)
7) comes with 2 wonderful cartridges that can be used to create many things like boxes etc
Here is the Advantage of Gypsy
1) Can be used by both Mac users and windows users (as long as the OS is compatible)
2) portability - you do not need to lug the computer to your cricut or anywhere
3) need not have cartridge in the cricut so no lugging them to swarms and crops (provided you link them)
4) Group feature makes resizing your whole creation (not just the single cartidge image) easier and also actions like welding etc. Just group all images and a single tap of the key takes care if it
5) Zoomed to the max it can be to scale which is so useful when designing.
6) Open template feature is such a blessing and yeah! can now be selectively turned off and on. (Open template - You can see the greyed image trace on the next page/layer - which helps in designing)
7) comes with 2 wonderful cartridges that can be used to create many things like boxes etc
8) has the Hide and Contour feature now
9) Pages can be named and easily deleted now
10) Each page can be previewed only by just pressing the preview button so you need not go and turn preview off in each page like in CDS
Disadvantages of Gypsy
1) If you need to convert your files too and from gypsy and cut you need DS paid version
2) smaller screen (but can be zoomed that I do not quite consider this as disadvantage)
3) needs to be updated and as it is a new product
4) keyword search cannot be tagged
5) files in G cannot be closed as yet with a simple close function - Have to open another file to close this one
6) cartridges need to be linked if you want to cut from them. Even though cartridge can be still used physically it cannot be linked to another G again so it's resale value may go down and you have to give the cartridge too away with the G when you want to sell
7) G's parts are not that sturdy and some parts have fallen off internally. Battery? needs replacing? but how and what conditions? no clear answer on this yet
Advantages of Design Studio(CDS)
1) can convert files to and from cut and gypsy (but you still have some bugs in it)
2) n your computer so power of computer's CPU and bigger screen
Disadvantages of CDS
1) Can be used only by windows users
2) you do need the cartridges and have to lug all to crops
3) No grouping sadly. Little bit of struggle getting your creation to the next page as you have to copy and paste each part
Both have errors in date handling and in regards to file transfers and are not fully compatible with each other. Needs fixing on slanting, skewing