First one is Ladybug punch around the page. I saw this in Martha Stewart punches but did not want to buy one. So I keyword searched and got one image which I liked from walk in the garden. I just added some circles for spots and cut. Disaster!!!! The antenna were all ripped. I did not want the lady bug any bigger so I used the shadow feature and recreated. The file is available for download but remember the cartridge used is walk in my garden. If you don't have it do not download. I mention upfront on the link itself what the cartridge is. Usually I do not mention GW or GF as it comes with all gypsies.
Here is the picture
Well the 2nd project was for the Gypsy challenge actually - mirror challenge. So I just welded four corners from sweetheart. This image even though it has just 4 welds takes quite a while to cut so preview and preferably have it connected to AC power before cutting. Cartridge - sweetheart. you can resize just a tad but not too much as the cuts are intricate. This goes for just the image itself - as it is - from the cartridge too. Some images do need to be large else the intricate cuts will tear. But what fun layout this will make. I left room for title and I am going to add this on a layout. That's why I cut in blue. Having boys I can always use blue.
File is available too. I will post this as it is on Friday.
So hope you liked my no brainer projects.