And yes I am looking for a designers so please email me (see the blog contact) if you want to be a designer in my blog.You might have to do one project per month in the first week of the month (excluding sat and sun) And if many apply then maybe once in 2 months (I am being optimistic aren't I?). I do not have any sponsors so no payment I am sorry. But you will have the satisfaction of creating something and showcasing your work because you love your craft...
well we will see how this pans out. I prefer to have a loose structure so things are very flexible here.Only conditions are you should have a gypsy and be a follower on this blog.
edited - I will give 10 days for designers to join in so let's say by 29th - noon MST - All you have to do is bring your enthusiasm. First come first served ... so hurry and send in your email :)
edited - I will give 10 days for designers to join in so let's say by 29th - noon MST - All you have to do is bring your enthusiasm. First come first served ... so hurry and send in your email :)