So we saw how Plantin is very useful cartridge to have. Especially the scallop is a fine handy tool in creating borders as intricate imaged cartridges like Mother's day, love struck etc tend to freeze up the G when you add a border on some lacelike images. Ie if you want a the design to have a scallop edge usually you add circles but in the G with the present few updates even a single weld repeated over more than 10 times have trouble. In such cases you can use this scallped border instead. Remember a wise way with G is always to preview and check. It will give you an idea of how long it will take before cutting too.
What's going on in my life. I was busy today. I thought of making something for tomorrow but it has to take a back seat as this week I have to finish reading my classes and also take care of some home stuff before I leave.
Here are a couple of shots I took these two days for my photography class. Click on them to see them a little bigger. This week we had to continue manual and focus but then move the focal point for better composition.
I had a bright idea of doing this. Had to keep moving to avoid getting bitten. My son knocked an anthill and I loved the way they wanted to protect their eggs. So I grabbed my camera. Unless you click all you will see is brown lol
These ones are the not crazy shots