So here is the answer I got from PC CS
"we have the ability to unregister a Gypsy, so another owner can register it in their name. They would just need to call in and explain that they have purchased an unlinked Gypsy. However, a used Gypsy has no warranty protection from Provo Craft,as stated in, EULA . Also E-Bay is flagging used Gypsys and removing them from their auction site, to avoid any 3rdparty disputes. So be aware when using E-Bay to buy or sell the Gypsy and cartridges.
This was found in another thread in the MB also a reply from PC to another customer when they asked about After warranty program and I quote again
" Thank you for contacting us.
Gypsy Devices Out of Warranty or Lost/Stolen
If the Gypsy is out of warranty or lost or stolen, you will need to purchase another Gypsy from any retail store. Because cartridges can only be linked to one Gypsy, you will need to send the new Gypsy to Provo Craft so there can be a transfer of their serial number to the new Gypsy before they are able to link their cartridges to their new Gypsy.
Note: They are working to automate this process in the near future. You will be able to do this on-line. We will update you with information regarding this process update.
Step One: You will need to contact Provo Craft and advise them that you are sending in a new Gypsy to have the serial number reset. Provo Craft Customer Support will need to make sure of the following:
· The machine is registered
· All of the customer information is verified, including email address
· An Incident number is open with all of the customer’s information, including the serial number.
· You will be given all return instructions by Customer Support.
· You will have a return label sent to them via email.
Note: If you cannot provide a serial number, they can send the Gypsy with one of the linked cartridges if needed.
Step Two: Provo Craft will provide you with a confirmation number. You will need to include this confirmation number with their replacement Gypsy. You will need to attach the return label to the outside of the package.
Step Three: You will need to write on the outside of their package:
Attention Gypsy Machine Reset
Customer Support Department
Provo Craft
Confirmation #
Keep in mind in the future there may be a charge to do this.
So that's the info folks.