Today is my turn at Tuesday Treats and this is what I came up with
This purse is from the purse found on the first button Pg 24 in the cartridge book (not the online version).
This time around I made just one and I used 12 x 12 papers as I was too sick to go out and buy larger sheets to use on 12 x 24 mat.
Tricking the mat to 12 x 24 was still small so I set the cursor height initially very high like 20 inches ,added the image and then reduced it to the height I needed. Remember when doing this we can reduce size but you cannot increase it back . If we need to do that then we have to start over again from the beginning.
Here is a video to show only the gypsy file portion and the tricking part. Assembly is in the photos as I was too sick to cut another purse out :)
Part 1
Part 2
Here is the view of the page 1 of my Gypsy file
Page 2
page 3

page 4
I used metallic shimmer paper for cutting pages 1 to 3 and pattern paper - a DCWV stack - I think green stack or mariposa not sure.. for page 4.
I scored all the score marks. I did not weld the shapes from page 3 onto the purse to cover up the girl as that would have erased my score marks and I needed them and anyway since I am covering over it did not matter.
Even though the images are exact shadow and can be added as layer I reduced it a bit after unlinking the height and width as I wanted some of the metallic brown to show.
Here are all the pieces cut and scored
I glued the rectangle slightly down to get the correct width and then lifted just the edges aligned the side pieces and glued and pressed down everything. ( glued with ATG gun)
Then I folded the sides , inserted like shown in the image and glued them down with zip dry. You can also
use glue dots

Then I pasted the pattern paper.
There is a slit in case you want to close the buckle. If you want the closure this way then take a craft knife and slit from inside so that the pattern paper gets a slit too like in the picture below but I like the Velcro closure so used Velcro for actual closure
I then took a decorative button cut the shank off and glued it on the buckle, Then took a ribbon which had stictching - it's art blanche from EK success - so used that for the bottom and sides.
The rest of the places I outlined stitches with white opaque gel pen. Used some bling swirls from archiver's.
I also made a tag using plain blue card stock, some stickers ( I think 3 birds or ones I got from Tuesday Morning) . I took the blue glitter slice tag and traced the circle - used old fashioned scissors - ha ha to cut the circle. Centered the sticker flowers and then cut . I also cut 2 circles from acrylic sheet from the cartridge pack ( I save them for such purposes) and sandwiched the cardstock between them and slid them ino the tags and used the Tag tool to crimp it.
I then punched a hole with cropadile and then threaded a fabric string through. Added a xoxo button also and blinged the center with a stone and tied it around the handle. If you want to add some words do it before crimping the tag.
So here is my purse - front
and side
Hope you enjoyed watching. Can't wait to see you all be "proclaimed" by your "apparel"