f The Bugbytes

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

May 13, 2010

I have been invited to be a guest designer on the wonderful Blog TUESDAY TREATS.  This month the talented group of ladies is working on the cartridge Forever Young.  I had made a wonderful purse and bought lots of bling to apply to the purse and then Lady G decided that for the 2nd time this week she would misbehave.  Only this time she was not to return to her wonderful self.  Hoping PC can help fix her soon.  Luckily though I am currently doing the demos for the new Cricut Cake and part of our demo package was a Gypsy (which we have to return) the only issue is it only has the pre-loaded Gypsy Wanderings and Gypsy Font and then the 4 Cake cartridges we loaded. 

So my problem then became, cheat on the Gypsy design and make the Forever Young purse on DS or use my demo G and try to come up with some kind of purse.  I went with using the demo G and trying to make something.  Another bump to my road was that I have 3 year old grandson that can hear a Cricut start up a mile away so there is NO crafting without his involvement.

So without further ado, I give you our (yes you get two designers this week, myself and the wonderfully talented Trenton) purse using the Gypsy and the Holiday Cake Cartridge.

This is by no means your regular purse.  However Trenton wanted to make a Car Purse for his mom.  So we made this cute little handbag that can be left sitting right inside the door that his mommy can easily drop her car keys and sunglasses in and she will always be able to find them easily.

The first step of this design was to make two of the cars on blackout in our green cardstock.  We made the car 8.20w x 7.88 h

Then we used GW to make the bottom of our purse  we just choose a shadow blackout of a rectangle making it 15.11w x 3.88h and on this page we also added another green blackout of the car for the back of our car and the layer of the car for the front (again cut at 8.2x7.88)

after this we need a black layer for the fender and the tires.  So we cut 2 of the regular cut again at 8.20x7.88, I needed one of these to have the cut outs so we could know exactly where to place our silver cardstock for the headlights and grill.  Working with a 3 year old and trying to get it done quickly I just made them both the same, although the back one could have been cut on shift so it did not have the details.

Then came assembly (boy was this a joy) I started by scoring 1/4 inch in on each long side of the rectangle we had cut
Then just eyeballing what we thought would be close we scored the short sides knowing that I wanted the base to be about 7 1/4 long to fit the bottom of the car.

Next we folded all score lines and then again using just the eyeball, sniped out the inside corners for folding.  And using the ATG gun taped all the outside folds and sit aside

At this point we began assembly of our car, we started by cutting the windshield trim off the black cars, it is just easier not to have one more thing to try to line up and not have showing.  Then we had to layer green shadow, black cut and and green shadow for the back, at this point we trimmed off the washer wipers since this would be the back of the car.  Laying this down we then added the prepped rectangle along the bottom of the car body

the front was done next by leaving the wipers on this time and adding metallic silver cardstock cuts (done by eyeball, hand and scissors) to the grill and headlights.

Then we layered the green layer with the grill cut out on top of our black and silver layer.  Then we had to find something to help us stand our car so that we could adhere the front to the rest of the purse.  A bottle of glossy accents was just what we needed.

Once our "purse" was complete, we needed to add something, since I was unable to add all the bling I had bought for my FY purse.  We used the key from GW on shadow at 1.23x2.68  we placed 4 of them on the matt and then used the flip feature to put 4 more on the mat, which we cut from gold metallic cardstock.

We had made enough cuts for 4 keys (when all parts were glued with one regular and one flip cut) but a little guy wanted to play with some of the keys, so we ended up with only 2 keys for our key chain.  Being this was for his mom and he "helped" make it he wanted a blue keychain, so we used a small piece of blue rope to make the key chain and used our white pen to write Mom's taxi on the front plate.  By the time I was able to get this done with the help of a 3 year old, it was so late and eyes were drooping so I am sorry that I could not do a better final shot of the "purse"

I am very sorry that this is such a simple project, had Lady G not had her problems I could have done better, but I am one that works better closer to a deadline, so although I had laid out my FY purse, I waited until the night before to cut, I might have had a better chance to do this blog justice had I started earlier, but that is what happens when you live your life waiting until the last minute, you have to do what you can.

I may speak with Pam and ask her if it would be ok to try to do my purse with DS and post an extra post later this weekend and you all can then convert that cut file to a gypsy file.  I will be back in a bit with the cut file for this.  I have to recharge the demo Gypsy to be able to transfer the file.