Hello, Sheila here from ShesASassyLady and I get the privledge of designing today on TheBugBytes! We are presenting Home Decor and/or Home Accents in any form we would like.
This is my little Sydney and she just got a new bike and all the gear. You have to love her, she couldn't keep that helmet on straight for anything. I had to get a couple of close ups of our toothless wonder!
Aren't these papers from Close To My Heart yummy? I think they are just perfect for this page.
Notice I started making the flowers just like my enabling friend Cindy from last week.... but I never got the tweezers, so you get Sheila's version! Which I might add is a lot simpler and takes less time.
First I crimped the flowers just like Cindy, then I just staggered them and used a jewel on the top.... they look different yet still so very pretty.... I of course used the leaves.
Then I took out one of my unfinished GW dragon flies made from transparancies and used a matching pink stamp on it. I used 2 coats because as you can see one coat was not sufficient. It was still too transparent.
I laid it aside to dry and then used a black marker for the antennas and purple rhinestones for the body....
I used these wonderful sponge stamps that I got from Mary at Scrapbooking Grandma's Crafts... I just opened them, and in just one project I am in love with them! They are so easy to use. Thanks again Mary! I had to do the purple on the body a couple of times to make it look darker.... and I did that after I put the beads.
To back some the page I took a sheet of matching paper as wide as the crimper and crimped it for added texture... I really like this little crimper! See below how it just adds that little extra texture the page needed.
I added the little Love charm and I also punched a scrap piece of pink paper just to draw the eye to Sydney's smaller photo. She is such a little diva that this if very unusual to catch her this sporty!
I few pink rhinestones add movement to the dragonfly.
Now isn't that pretty, and so easy to do. I sure hope you enjoyed today's project and while looking about on the various blogs that you too challenge yourself and try to replecate the many beautiful things you see. Even if they are a little diffent like my flowers are from Cindy's, they still turned out beautiful, and so will yours! You don't learn unless you try, so stretch yourself this week and make something new.
Click for the Gyspy Pages-Sassy-Ready To Ride File.
Copyright found here: http://shesasassylady.blogspot.com/2010/05/ready-to-ride.html
Thank you for your sweet words of encoragement, your comments continue to inspire me to continue creating and sharing with you.