f The Bugbytes: Award I got today

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

March 1, 2010

Award I got today

Oops - 3rd post in a day. Would have been the 4th post but decided to schedule that one for tomorrow. Hmm - Should do that way all the time as it seems very organized LOL but you know me - I am impulsive and mainly old and forgetful so I better write when I can remember. :)
I got this award


from a fellow Mb member - Cindy Mcvey from - http://crazy4crafting.blogspot.com/ whom I call a box queen. Yep I name almost everyone.  My favorite one so far is MB member OohSnapp whom I call Helmet girl. Cindy I call box queen as this girl keeps whipping out a box from her hat in a wink of the eye. Thanks Cindy for the award.
But :( it comes with two conditions. Me likey , likey the award but the conditions - hmmm. I think I am going go make an award button of my own and pass it on without conditions LOL.
Anyway let me try to tackle the 2nd one first and you will know why I did this in a short while and will thank me(else you would have tanked me lol)
I have to choose 15 bloggers to award them to.
Hmmm. tough choice narrowing it down. Regretfully few of the important people I want to name do not have blogs. But will try. First few are easy

    1. Robyn -  My Pink Stamper and her blog http://www.mypinkstamper.com/. Well do I need to say anything more. This girl is single handedly responsible for the sale of millions of cricut in the world , for who hasn't watched her tutorials and gotten the courage to try out and buy the product? She is definately responsble for mine. I stumbled on her blog when I was searching for something to do with stamping for my watercolor LOL. I saw the videos and - here I am now a scrapbooker . 
    2. Cheating on this as I can add some more to the list. even though these 3 have individual blogs they have one common one ;) - Calender girls - http://www.cricutchristmas.blogspot.com/.Since a few weeks back The calender Tammy has moved out of the group as she is too many commitments . Tammy has her  own blog  - http://www.cricutcritters.com/. HappyHappyJoyJoy - has her own blog too - http://www.obsessedwithscrapbooking.com/ . and so does Melanie - http://courtney-lane.blogspot.com/
    3. I am blessed indeed that this girl agreed to associate with me in our sister blog Tuesday Treats. I will use Message board names - Myamagoo. If you have a Gypsy - hers will be the name on your lips and her blog http://cricutinspiration.blogspot.com/. . Hey - starting to feel like I am presenting either the Grammy or the Oscar. The nominee for the best performance goes to. Ok - I have to dress the part so a brief break here...
    4. Can you see me in this gorgeous silk saree - a marroon color with golden border and decked with jewels. No? :( Well I tried. ... continuing I am so happy to have found this  friend. I grab my 2nd cup of  coffee after sending the kids off to school and settle down and check my mails and chat in them with her. What layouts she makes. She has taken upon herself to make a scrapbooker out of me along with my other ( local) friend Michelle. Presenting - Sassylady and her blog http://shesasassylady.blogspot.com/
    5. This is a new special friend I made. She is a quiet one in the MB but so kind. A while back I was down and hurting reading some awful mails She cheered me on and sent me beautiful mails and boosted my spirits. Acts of kindness when it comes in such moments in your life mean all the more. So here is that special lady with such a kind heart who thought of me - MB name - Scrappin*Gadget*Girl and her blog -http://tjsscrappindreams.blogspot.com/
    6. This star featured her creations recently in  TuesdayTreats. Her thanksgiving creations still is fresh in my memories. And her valentine silhouette image - Oh la la - CherB and her blog - http://www.cherylswindow.blogspot.com/
    7. This one is a enabler - She made me buy the sweetheart cartridge after seeing her creations in the MB. One talented gal . She is such a sweetie that it remains a mystery to me why she chose the 2nd part of her MB name???? - presenting  NurseViper and her blog http://scrappyrn-scrappyrn.blogspot.com/ 
    8. A very sweet person and so talented. She has made lots of helpful Gypsy videos . One of the G veterans - Scrapbookinggrandma and her blog http://www.scrapbookinggrandmacrafts.com/
    9. She is a helper in the MB and any tech questions you have with your Gypsy -  you can go to her.Lately she has fallen int love with flowers and you will learn how to make a variety of them at her bog :) - makeupgirl217 and her blog - http://217creations.blogspot.com
    10. I saw her work at the holiday with christmas blog where she was Miss February and I so loved her creations that I almost ordered one of the cartridge My community after seeing one of her projects - only to realize that I already have that cartridge LOL. Enfys and her blog - http://going-buggy.blogspot.com 
    11. This one is a Energizer Bunny of the Gypsy world. Creates and runs. She has lots of basic G videos - Rozetteakafluffy and her blog - http://seefluffyscrap.blogspot.com/ 
    12. What a sweetie and a talented girl . She is one of the designers in the gypsy challenge spot - dancinggarden and blog http://scrap-n-dance.blogspot.com/ 
    13. One of the Gypsy veterans . Just go to her blog and be awed with her creations - pkaysunshine and her blog - http://p-kaysunshine.blogspot.com  
    14. This is one humorous girl and so talented and generous lady. I call her the helmet girl as she has the unfortunate habit of falling off the chair when something surprises her. She has resorted to wearing a helmet nowadays. - oohsnap and her blog - http://ohhhsnapper.blogspot.com/
    15. I met a new friend at the swarm and was really impressed with her work. She paints very beautiful faces on scalloped circles and paper dolls - craftjunkie and her blog - http://craftjunkietoo.blogspot.com/
    Oh my gosh - It has taken me 1 hour to write so far. And now comes the horrible condition. 7 things about myself. Do you even want to know?  Too much up close and personal to my liking. Nice if that person is Robert Redford but me?????????????.Yuck!!!. 


    Written in magical ink....;)