and one from SassyLady at http://www.shesasassylady.blogspot.com/ . Thanks Sassy

Ok so now it's my turn to pass this one to 5 bloggers each.
So here's the 5 for brightside award. I will just name their blogs as they might want to keep their names private. I have seen these people's works. I love the way all of their brain works. I love Sassy, Mya and Cindy and this time I will name others.
1) http://www.thunderbirdlindybydesign.blogspot.com/. She has some awesome designs on her blog and is so bright and cheerful
2) http://ohhhsnapper.blogspot.com/. what a humorous girl this one is. She comes with unique things on her blog and is so willing t experimnet new stuff. I love that adventurous spirit.
3)http://scrap-n-dance.blogspot.com/. A lovely girl and so talented . She designs for gypsy challenge spot too Love her.
4) http://www.cherylswindow.blogspot.com/. A sweet girl with sweet voice and comes up with lovely designs as most of you would have already seen.
5)http://scrappyrn-scrappyrn.blogspot.com/. Enabler girl who comes up with lovely cards that I have to go and buy those cartridges.
Now for Sweet Blogger award
1) http://snoflaks.blogspot.com. Go check her lovely blog and her lovely creations
2)http://p-kaysunshine.blogspot.com - Yes she is such a sunshine. Early gypsy members will remember her as that cheerful encourgaging girl. She posts awesome layouts in her blog. Love this girl.
3) http://seefluffyscrap.blogspot.com/ - Very bubbly character. She has some very helpful gypsy videos in her blog. Lately she is doing gorgeous layouts.
4)http://scrappinphlen.blogspot.com/. She is one of the first person to start a positive thread in the G MB. Love her spirit and her lovely creations.
5)http://weremakinmemorieshere.blogspot.com/ Just love this girl's sense of humor. She is so talented and knowledgeable too. But all Mickey's watch out as she has a mean hand.
So that's my blog list for today.
now for 5 things about me. Do you really want to know?
1. I love milk chocolates - plain ones without any nuts. I am allergic to nuts. ;)
2. I am a book worm. I can finish 500 pages within 2 hours if it's not boring LOL. Science fiction and Mystery are my favorite kind. My favorite authors in science fiction & Fantasy - Asimov, Anne McCaffrey , Mercedes Lackey and ha ha - J.K Rowlings. In Mystery - Sir Conon Doyle (Sherlock Holmes) & Agatha Christie. No wonder I am salivating at the thought of RobotZ cartridge LOL. I also love comedy. I love reading Asterix and Tin Tin and also love the humor in P.G Wodehouse
3. I just want to know stuff. I have a insatiable appetite to learn things. Sometimes I go so overboard. I buy books ,do internet research.... Hubby hates this about me, as I keep buying books on so many subjects that he says that he trips over them and says however big he builds a house I'm sure to stuff it with books. He may be right on this - I have to concede as for painting alone the count has gone upto 350 . oops
4. I love my dogs and spoil them so much that hubby says that I love them more than him and kids.
5. I love color and texture. No doubt I love to paint and play with papers. But I love biology more and would have ended up as a Doctor if it were not for my brother who being a Doctor did not want his little sis to end up like him - ha ha. What a sad loss for the medical field!!!
Whew! That was so difficult . I do not like writing about myself and am not comfortable with it. Who wants to read boring stuff like this anyway!! Eeeew.