In Quotes
"Endcaps on the Gypsy can be tricky. Do not weld. In DS this actually can cause trouble. With the Gypsy as long as you don't weld, the only trouble you'll have is if you want to put a space in the endcap somewhere. The spaces don't cut if you are using the Gypsy.
If you want to put a space in an endcap cut, you are better off using your cart without the Gypsy. If you really want to use the Gypsy for an endcap cut, instead of a regular space, use a decorative element. In the Mickey Endcap feature I used mouse ears instead of spaces. "
So do not weld an endcap and be creative if you want to add spaces. Thanks dear for this discovery.
Edited: She so sweetly has sent me this link (look in the comments) which will give you a better visual. Thank you so much dear. Here is the link -
Edited: She so sweetly has sent me this link (look in the comments) which will give you a better visual. Thank you so much dear. Here is the link -