f The Bugbytes: Numbering cartridge booklets for easy use of both cricut and G

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

March 30, 2010

Numbering cartridge booklets for easy use of both cricut and G

I did this for an email for Tuesday Treats designer's so thought I would also put this up for people visiting this blog. I am working on the promised recreating shapes video and will have it out within this weekend. Meanwhile ....
Here is how I have named the page and button's in almost all cartridges except with the earlier font cartridges as the earlier ones went by q,w,e,r,t and did not match up for easy naming from 1 to 10 (in the pages - you have to do the numbering there with sharpie carefully). I have shown this in my first video - the heart shape February box in Tuesday Treats

So here's the visual.  Note the page numbers are from the booklet in the cartridge and not the online booklet as the page numbers are different since they removed the language pages  . 
This numbering will also help you with the gypsy as G does not show creative features. I also name the last few pages (creative features break up pages) with button numbers like the first half of the photo so that I can match up the images easily.