f The Bugbytes: ruffles......and a very late shout out to Cher B!!!

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Welcome to The Bug Bytes a site/blog mainly for Papercrafting and some photography and other stuff thrown in here & there. Add in some die cutting machine, scrapbooking tools, cameras, scissors , glue and...... My name is Pam. If you have been redirected from Papillon Digital Design you have come to the right place.Hope you get inspired by the projects, videos and files. Would love it if you could leave comments and become a follower. (Word verification is turned ON to avoid spam. Sorry for that inconvenience.) Would love it if you would also share your project here . If you find a linky under the post do share your project by posting link there or if you do not find a linky post your link in the comments.Thank you for visiting. The website Papillon digital designs has changed to Papillon Digital Design so if the link gives and error or takes you to page with chinese characters then please drop the 's' in the link at the end of papillondigitaldesigns and try . That is change papillondigitaldesigns to papillondigitaldesign and try the link.

March 2, 2010

ruffles......and a very late shout out to Cher B!!!

First of all I would like to say what an AMAZING job CHER did on her Tuesday Treats project!! I was totally blown away and I feel so awful that I didn't get a chance to comment on her adorable bags!! CHER they are the BEST!!! do you hear me?? the BEST!!!! :):)

Second of all.....I left this project to the absolute LAST minute...and I mean LAST....as I type this blog post it is 11:55pm on a Monday evening and I should be in bed :) That being said I still wanted to try and get this out somewhat on time.....sorry for the delay!!!! This working for a living thing....geez......

My mission....should I choose to accept it is to create a purse from page 116 from Tags Bags Boxes and More.  I'm so glad I did!!  I DID NOT know this purse had the cutest little strap on it to do it up :)  how sweet is that!?

Here's what I came up with folks :)

Oh don't you just LOVE ruffles????  Here is how I did it:

Now to put this cute little purse together.....

Start by laying out all your paper on your cutting mat - for those of you that are new:  Remember to count how many squares your image takes up on your Gypsy screen as this corresponds to the squares on your cutting mat.  You will get correct paper placement every time if you follow that tip :)

Next you will cut it either page 1 or page 2 - you can only cut 1 page at a time with this file.

Then go ahead and cut the second page once you get your paper on :)

Once you have everything cut out you can either start with scoring your purse, or you can assemble your little butterfly shaker.  I decided to start scoring my purse.

When scoring....take your time to do this as accurately as you can.  A well scored purse will result in a purse or box that assembles nicely, all edges line up properly and there aren't any smushed pieces of paper anywhere :)

And here she is all ready for assembly....

As you can see from the picture all the lines have been scored and the purse is starting to take shape.  So BEFORE I glue the purse together I decided to start 'threading' my ribbon through my slots.  I just went back out one side and brought the ribbon back in through the SAME slot to get a ruffle on the outside.  Then I just moved up to the next slot with my ribbon from the INSIDE of the purse.  Just work your way up and take the time to try and keep your ruffles even....this part takes patience :)

But if you do it right ~ you end up with this :     :) :)
also if you look closely you can see that I just brought my ribbon right around to the other side on the bottom.  It looks very pretty and you don't have to glue anything down.

Once you have your ribbon threaded, just get out your trusty WACKY TACKY TAPE and glue down those folds on the inside of your purse.  Now I haven't found anything better than this stuff to hold purses together....so if you have something that you absolutely SWEAR by - please let me know :)

Once your purse is together you can move on to making your butterfly shaker and the front of the purse.

Remember that piece of purse that we pushed off the mat just to get the front piece?  Go and grab that and get your exacto knife out too :)  Using your ruler (cause I know my hand is NOT steady at all) and trim off all the excess pieces of the purse.  That would be the tabs and the little pieces right at the bottom.

Just set the patterned paper aside for a little bit and grab your 3 butterfly cutouts and your clear transparency sheet (yay I still remembered what it's called!).  Take 1 at a time and glue them on top of eachother.  Your making a butterfly sandwich :)  Once you have them all glued together stick down your transparency sheet on top (this is going to be the top of your shaker and also the side you glue your patterned paper onto.

Be sure to do a good job gluing all around the edges....you don't want any little beads getting out!!!  They are a pain!

Here is the back of the shaker piece.  As you can see I've glued it to the patterned paper and have added a clear window on the back too.  I decided this was necessary after I had designed it on my G - I will add the extra piece in the file.  I also went ahead and cut out a rectangle in white cardstock and ran it through the cuttlebug.

I thought this would look a lot nicer than just a boring orange background behind the beads.  I used my all time fav- swiss dots for the embossing.....I just might have to buy another one it is so well used! lol!

That's it!  Once you have the front all glued together and it's dry - go ahead and glue it to the front of your purse.  You can take a hole punch and punch a much smaller hole (than what the cartridge had on it) for your brad to fit through.  Just use the hole that is on the inside of the purse as a guide.  Insert your brad and TA DA!!  Finished!!!  Not as hard as it looks eh????

Now go and find your FAV gems and glitter and pearls...whatever is your go to embelly and get to work dressing up that gorgeous butterfly :)

Love this pic....it really shows how well the cuttlebugging adds to the background of the shaker.  Gotta love that BLING too ;)

oooohhhhhh RUFFLES!!!

Well, there you have it.....my take on page 116 of Tags Bags Boxes and More.....what do you think?

A hit or miss?

As soon as I get home from work tonight I will upload the gypsy file so you can all download it and take a look at the measurements.  I figured I didn't need to add it in the post :)