Hooray! Is this a glitch? I don't know. Set the cursor size to something high say 11 and then add the image and you will get a big image. But if you first choose default cursor size of 1 and then try to increase it will only go as big as the mat ie until either the width or height hits the sides.
ok edited to add pictures
1. Set the cursor to high value initially before adding the image. Here I have set it to 14
2. Note how big the image is and goes off the mat
3. Now to do the old fashioned way . I have set the cursot to default that is 1 inch
4. And then when I try to increase with circles or height or double arros and single arrows the image will not increase beyond when it hits the mat in this case with this image it's 11.05
Wow so a way to go beyond the mat size without having to change the mat size. Hope this glitch? lasts and they don't take that away.