1. The first one I stumbled into is - oh my . Because of that enabler I have to go to Michaels and get that Oh Classic Oh! Charlotte paper - sigh...
Here is the blog "Time for scrappin " - http://timeforscrappin.blogspot.com/ by Tanya. I was "Flabbergasted" by this Mini Album. I love vintage feel (or at least that's how I am explaining away the purchase of Heritage and Sentimental ;) ) and these albums which you will see in the tutorials are awesome. Don't think this girl has the Gypsy but oh my - if she gets one of those in her hands.. Mini Albums - here she comes - watch out.. Move out..
2. The 2nd one has so many flowers. What a lovely blog!!!. Beth I'm sure I will start seeing those flowers in your blog soon. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Here is " Scrap a Little" http://www.scrap-a-little.com/ by Helen.
I also said I would make an award button with no condition strings attached so here it is the award button. A No conditions award. Anytime you are amazed at any creation in a person's blog. Do leave a comment in their blog ;) and feel free to award them if you want with this button.
Today I will give this award to these two people whose lovely blogs I stumbled into - Time For Scrappin and Scrap A Little.
I know some of you would already be familiar with these blogs but to me it was WOW!!! EYE CANDY!!
This discovery just gave me the courage to go dipping' my feet again - Hopefully it won't become Niagara falls !!